Foto de Jerry Uelsmann.
"When this veil
(*) is lifted, there is a resistance to being in contact with others. Often we feel that we are being beatten up by the energy contained in daily activity. We tend to want to become hermits from time to time on many of the paths of initiation because we are developing new sensitivities that are not understood by those who have not explored the same levels of consciousness. When we begin holding the neutral,
infinite viewpoint, every particle of feeling, thought, and intention in our surroundings begins to gush through our physical bodies as flows of energy. The overwhelming gush of sensory perceptions is unbelievable and affects our emotions, our state of mind, our health, and our stamina. We are caught in a riptide of universal energy that leaves us feeling like a wet dishrag most of the time. After the body begins to adjust to these phenomena, things level out and we begin finding anchor points that ground the energy flowing through us."
"Through the marriage of the seen and unseen worlds and by using the knowledge we have gained through embracing that union, we have stopped separating matter and energy or spirit and form.
The two worlds are One inside of us, not outside of us."
"If any identity that we have embodied in other times throughout eternity still affects our perception of being greater or lesser than others, it is time to let it go."
The symbol of the wheel of life, allowing us to count the cycles of growth and change that we undergo during our lives. The Medicine Wheel also teaches us that all life is interrelated and that all living things contain a divine purpose and occupy equal places within the circle of the whole.
Each part of the seven sacred paths of human transformation allows us to expand beyond our former tunnel vision. There are no lesser or greater paths through life. We have free will and are allowed either to look beyond the accepted horizons or to remain on a life path that suits our views of reality. The seen and unseen realms are of equal importance. Becoming aware of the intangible forces that shape the human experience adds innumerable possibilities to our life experiences. If we choose to explore the intangible realms of consciousness, The Dream Weave, we discover new layers of the life force found in spirit, thought, emotion, dreams, feelings, aspirations, creativity, and intent. Our budding awareness of the intangible aspects of human life adds new dimensions of understanding and wisdom.
(*) The seven forgetter mechanisms or Seven Veils of Separation that keep human beings from
remembering the infinite viewpoint of oneness held by the Spiritual Essence.
DANCING THE DREAM. The seven sacred paths of human transformation.
La Vida te obliga a tener un profundo e incondicional respeto hacia ti mismo.
Más allá de rechazos, juicios, críticas o pervertidos (*) ensombrecimientos
-nacidos de Ignorancia y Olvido-, más allá del deseo o necesidad de que "otro" se viva com-pasión en ti, permanece...una llama...que se niega a ser apagada.
(*) contra lo natural o la propia naturaleza.
El ensombrecimiento surgido de la dinámica de vida es un proceso natural que todo ser
conectado con su energía femenina conoce y necesita transitar cíclica y periódicamente o
permanecer en él, voluntaria y conscientemente, por razones de diversa índole. No así el
provocado desde lo externo a uno mismo en un intento de anular u oscurecer la propia
manifestación vital.