domingo, 26 de julio de 2020

Loves All Things - Clan Mother of the Seven Moon Cycle

Painting of Susan Seddon

 LOVES ALL THINGS is the Clan Mother of the Seventh Moon Cycles and the month of July. The color connected with her Medicine is yellow and her cycle represents loving the truth in all life forms. She teaches us the wisdom of compassion and how to be a loving woman (person) and nurturing mother (father).
 Loves All Things is the Keeper of Sexual Wisdom and shows us that every action of physical life is as sacred as our spiritual growth because they are the same. When we behave as if all acts are sacred, there is no judgment. This Clan Mother teaches us to love our bodies and to honor the pleasures of being human. She shows us that breathing, eating, walking, playing, working, observing a sunrise, making love, and dancing are all acts of pleasure given by the Earth Mother to human beings. She asks us to do everything in life with a happy heart. In her wisdom, Loves All Things teaches us that we can find the joys of physical life, without trying to escape our pain through becoming addicted to false pleasures or compulsive behavior patterns.
 Loves All Things is the Guardian of Unconditional Love and is connected to Granfather Sun. (...) uses a form of unconditional love to show us that she does not judge our behaviors. She is willing to love us enough to allow us to go through the hard self-imposed lessons that are the consequences of following the crooked tail. Having to experience the consequences of our unloving actions may not give us pleasure, but remembering and avoiding those pitfalls in the future will always bring us back into balance (...). She uses her ability to allow us to go through the hard life lessons on our own but is always waiting to nurture our disappointments and mend our broken hearts.
 Loves All Things teaches that every action in life is equal because the reaction in equal to the original deed. If we are good to our bodies, our bodies are healthy and good to us. If we nurture and respect ourselves, we will command that same respect and nurturing from others. If we lie to ourselves, others we lie to us in kind...
 (...) Loves All Things showed her human children that every act of physical life was sacred. When it was approached in a loving and meaningful way, nothing having to do with sexuality was judged as dirty or wrong by the Keeper of Sexual Wisdom. The Mother of All Acts of Pleasure taught that the functions of the human body were honored natural processes that kept the body healthy and full of life. She showed the young adults the way male bodies gave from the genitals and received through the heart and how the female body received through the genitals and gave from the heart. When a female and a male stood face to face, this process of giving and receiving created a circle between the two. If one or the other was cold, unfeeling, or afraid, the circle was not allowed to complete itself. When this type of disconnection ocurred, it was time to find out which of the three points of respect, trust, and intimacy had been lost (...).

  You are the Mother of All Acts of Pleasure, Loves All Things, and yet you have forgotten to be gentle with yourself. You would be kind and caring to me and my fawn, but you are merciless toward yourself. (...) I was sent to cross your path, reminding you of the tender and sensitive gentleness of my Medicine, not so that you will apply that comforting calmness to others but so you will stop being so hard on yourself. In all ways but one, you are human. The fact that you will not experience the aging and death of your body does not mean that you have to push yourself beyond the capacities of other humans. Sweet Mother, there is no fault in being human. Your feelings will always be a part of you, they will never vanish, but it is not wrong to touch them from time to time with gentleness. You have crossed  the bridge of forgiveness and now you must rediscover the way to be gentle with yourself. Finding the balance between strength and gentleness is a delicate matter. You may call on my Medicine anytime you need me.

       THE 13 ORIGINAL CLAN MOTHERS. Jamie Sams. Ed Harper One

martes, 21 de julio de 2020

El Camino a Casa

 Soñé que estaba en el baño con un hombre. Tenía un cráneo humano entre mis manos. Lo colocaba bajo el chorro de agua del grifo del lavabo. De él salían recuerdos, voces, imágenes, músicas...todo se iba por el desagüe.
Ese hombre me decía, tienes que vaciarte de todo, de todo lo vivido hasta ahora. Y yo seguía limpiando y vaciando mi cráneo pero sintiendo una gran pena por toda esa pérdida.


miércoles, 15 de julio de 2020

Entre Salamanca y Samarkanda

  Cuando grandes profesionales en su ámbito de desarrollo vital, como lo es Fátima en la música y en las artes escénicas, comparten con generosidad su sabiduría y su experiencia profesional, no solo facilitan e inspiran el camino de generaciones presentes y futuras de artistas, sino que además, siendo mucho más importante, son capaces de potenciar y despertar recursos inherentes a todo ser humano que le permiten "conectarse con su propia voz". Con todo lo que esto conlleva a nivel físico, psíquico y emocional. 
 Un lujo compartir estos días contigo y el resto de hermosas mujeres creadoras (incluido T.). Gracias y...Ale toro bonito!!!


martes, 7 de julio de 2020

El Arbol de Huluppu / Inanna / Venus

                                            Foto de Venus y la Luna de John Entwistle
                                 La Reina de la Noche o Relieve Burney. 1800-1750 a.C. 
                                              Tallado en Mesopotamia bajo el reinado de Hammurabi
                                                               Conservado en el Museo Británico

   El Arbol de Huluppu

domingo, 5 de julio de 2020

Be Water........Eclipse Lunar

                                                   Foto de Viacheslav Lopatin