martes, 22 de noviembre de 2022
Ingeniería Lingüística - Silencio
martes, 8 de noviembre de 2022
El Halo de la Verdad......
...y el dolor de creerse las propias mentiras.
WALKS TALL WOMAN is the Clan Mother of November's moon cycle, who teaches us how to Walk Our Talk. Her Cycle of Truth is walking the truth and is connected to the color white. Through the color white, we learn magnetism and how to use authority and will properly. Walks Tall Woman shows the Chlildren of Earth how to lead through example instead of insisting that others follow the leader. This Clan Mother teaches us how to change life's situations through taking action ourselves, not depending on others to do it for us.
Walks Tall Woman teaches us how to be proud of our accomplishments through self-esteem, not self-importance. She shows us that the more we refine our skills, the happier we are with ourselves. Walks Tall Woman understands that action always speak louder than words and that when we are living examples of our philosophies, we are walking our personal truths. When we walk with truth, there is no need to fear what others think of us. Reputation is based upon integrity and inner knowing, not on the opinions of others, who may be jealous or insecure about themselves. Walks Tall Woman teaches us that it is through our relationship to the Great Mystery and to life that we know and honor ourselves and our spirits.
This Eleventh Clan Mother is the Guardian of Leadership and the Keeper of New Pathways. She shows us the value of leading through example, being our personal best, and exploring all our options, and the importance of innovation.. If there is a more appropriate or more efficient way to do something. Walks Tall Woman will apply those new ideas to her Earth Walk, to see if the new way will assist her in Walking Her Truth. Through this Medicine, she has earned the right to be the Mother of Innovation. This type of innovation does not destroy the Traditions, giving the ancient ways of the Ancestors new growth potencial.
The Eleventh Clan Mother is also the Mother of Perseverance and Stamina, who teaches us the value of health. The needs of our physical bodies and the use of exercise to make them strong are part of her teaching. Walking tall and in truth is exemplified by our ability to be graceful and to find the point of gravity in the human form. To do this we must use the natural flexibility of the human body. Walks Tall Woman shows us that we must be flexible enough to allow others to follow their paths. A healthy mind will support the body's health. A mind riddled with half-truths and negativity can thwart the body to the point where disease is created. Walks Tall Woman shows us how to honor the body's needs by balancing physical activity, proper attitudes, good eating and sleeping habits, and hygiene.
Walks Tall Woman also teaches us that we can persevere, meeting our goals when the body is healthy. Stamina comes from treating the body with care. To use persistence in a proper way, we are taught how to be tenacious, using all our gifts of health, attitude, self-reflection, and spirit to meet challenges head-on. Walks Tall shows us how to keep our eyes on the goal, our feet on the path, and the truth in our hearts, never waiting for another to do it for us. Leading through example by being personally responsible in thought, action and deed is the way we find the Medicine of Walking Our Talk. Our challenges are to be willing to drop our fears of taking action and to balance our work activities with rest, relaxation, and retreat.
Ed. HarperOne